The Merry Church Mouse

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Authenticity. It’s sort of a buzzword these days, but what does it really mean?

Webster’s says :

1a: worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact

b: conforming to an original so as to reproduce essential features

c: made or done the same way as an original

2: not false or imitation, real, actual

3: true to one's own personality, spirit, or character

I’ve been thinking a lot about this concept for a while now.

Social media is such a weird world. We tend to only show the best of ourselves. But that’s not real… well, maybe it is… but only in part. We hide the messy stuff, we try and fit a mold for SEO or what we think people want from us or to sell a product or any one of a dozen other reasons. How much of our lives do we keep hidden out of fear, or pride or lack of confidence or… or… or…? How authentic are we, really? How much do we needlessly shame ourselves? Because in reality, don’t we all have those things, the things that are not perfect? The things that others have too, but we don't talk about? How much support from those like us do we miss out on? How much do we miss out on real connection with others when we hold ourselves back? How many opportunities to help others do we bypass by allowing our own inauthenticity?

It might be a buzzword, and maybe it has been cheapened by that. Maybe it’s been cheapened by those who claim it, but fail to BE it? Maybe even I cheapen the word. It’s not that we do it intentionally in a lot of cases, but it happens none the less.

I have a desire to be different. I want to be truly authentic. For a very long time I have tried to try and fit some sort of mold. “I’m a pattern designer. I’m a seamstress, therefore I should be focused on only those things.” This is something I have struggled with for years. Possibly even decades. This is the mindset that I have had. Well, yes, I am those things, but I am also so much more. My creativity extends so far beyond those things. I don’t say that out of some sort of conceit. I’m simply stating a fact. But what also is fact is… I’m a mess. I fail. I have anxieties. I make bad decisions. I’m a terrible blogger. I get cranky. I get tired. I mess up. Just like everyone else.

My goal is to be more honest here on my site and in my blogging. It will no longer be focused on just one or two things. I do lots of stuff. That’s what real life is for me. Hopefully at least some of it will make it here in some way shape or form. But… it may be sporadic… because… well… like I said. I’m a terrible blogger… but if I weren’t I wouldn’t be me and that would be inauthentic.